RYA First Aid

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RYA First Aid

Event Details

This event is running from 3 March 2018 until 13 March 2025. It is next occurring on 23/02/2025

RYA First Aid Course

Do you need to undertake a RYA First Aid Course in order to apply for or renew an Instructor ticket or Commercial Endorsement?  Perhaps you are a leisure boater who appreciates that First Aid skills are important?  In either case, this is a valuable course to book.  It is important we know how to help our crew before professional help arrives. You will learn to understand how to raise the alarm and where to seek advice.

Our course content is prescribed by the RYA. It is designed to give you a knowledge of first aid procedures for injury and illness at sea. It is designed for those using boats on inland and coastal areas up to 60 miles offshore.  We run our courses for small groups of people from our waterfront classroom in Poole.

If you require a STCW First Aid Certificate please contact us and we’ll put you in contact with our local STCW training partner.

The courses listed below are our scheduled courses on which you will join other students.  We can also arrange bespoke training at a time to suit you if you would prefer.

RYA First Aid Manual


RYA Commercial Endorsement Information: Requirements for Commercial Endorsements

Interested in Safety at Sea?  Why not look at our RYA Sea Survival Course?


Date Ticket Price Quantity
Sold out - Contact us for other Availability/Reserve List £0.00 Sold out
Reserve one space £120.00 Sold out
Terms & conditions: https://dorsetmarinetraining.co.uk/legal/

We occasionally send out information after a training session including links to topics discussed or perhaps awareness of future events. You can change your mind at any time by letting us know.

Question - To prove you are not a robot, not test your maths skills :-)