Night PB Skill Building
We speak with each individual booking to ensure suitability for these Powerboating at Night – Practice Sessions.
Powerboating at Night -Practice Sessions. We understand that many people struggle to get experience in the dark unless they have their own boat. Trying to get sufficient practice before an Advanced exam in particular can be difficult. These scheduled evenings are aimed at those who either just want to drive at night and experience the light and shapes of the harbour, or who have already undertaken navigation training and an Advanced Course but who want to practice the skills learnt. Maybe its just been some time since you last went afloat at night. If you are practising for an exam you might like to factor in a little additional online navigation preparation time.
Do you have your own boat and want to head out with an instructor on board? Or have an idea in mind of exactly what you want to achieve? Please contact us to book a bespoke evening. If you just want to pop along and experience the harbour at dusk and night then feel free to book here or contact us.
PLEASE NOTE – Timings for these evenings may vary based on daylight hours. We will confirm timings at time of provisional booking.
We are often able to move these sessions to other evenings if preferred so please contact us to book your preferred date.

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Bookings are no longer available for this event.